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5 Situations When Double Hearing Protection Is Required

From its name, double hearing protection is wearing two forms of hearing protection simultaneously, for example, wearing earmuffs on top of earplugs.  OSHA recommends every worker working in areas that exceed 85 dB to wear hearing protection. The hearing protectors…

Guide On How To Fit Earplugs Correctly

Guide On How To Fit Earplugs Correctly

Other than buying the wrong earplugs, the other mistake that many people make is wearing earplugs improperly. When you don’t wear the pieces correctly, you allow noise to leak in, which puts you at the risk of suffering from noise-induced…

What Is Electronic Hearing Protection

What Is Electronic Hearing Protection?

Electronic hearing protection allows hunters, shooters, construction workers, and any other individuals dealing with loud noises to block the dangerous, loud impulses and, at the same time, hear what other people are saying at ordinary volumes or low tones. How…


What Are CEP Tips

Communication earplugs (CEP) ear tips are hearing protection devices that not only provide top-notch ear protection, they also allow high-quality communication. The tips consist of elements that provide passive noise attenuation. Each element consists of a housing made up of…

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