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Should forklift drivers wear hearing protection?

The reason you are asking “should forklift drivers wear hearing protection” is because you have come across information that you shouldn’t wear ear protection as you need to hear warning signs and pedestrians around you. Forklifts create a lot of…


5 Situations When Double Hearing Protection Is Required

From its name, double hearing protection is wearing two forms of hearing protection simultaneously, for example, wearing earmuffs on top of earplugs.  OSHA recommends every worker working in areas that exceed 85 dB to wear hearing protection. The hearing protectors…

7 Myths About Hearing Protection

7 Myths About Hearing Protection

If you spend a lot of time in noisy environments, you need to wear hearing protection.  Since the hearing protection devices have been around for a long time, they are surrounded by many myths. These myths include: You don’t need…
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